Toddlers & Children

Tongue-Tie Center of Florida

When left untreated or unidentified, ankyloglossia may continue to present toddlers, older children, and even adults with persistent challenges. 

Children with ankyloglossia may exhibit: 

  • Delayed speech and/or problems with speech 
  • Difficulties maintaining oral hygiene
  • Teeth misalignment
  • Salivary profusion and dribbling
  • Chewing & swallowing issues
  • Restless sleeping & sleep apnea
  • Nighttime tooth grinding, mouth breathing, snoring
  • Interference & limitations with simple oral activities
  • Self-image & self-esteem issues

For some children, the limitations associated with untreated tongue-tie become more challenging as they grow. Children may feel frustrated or embarrassed by a speech impediment or their inability to stick out their tongue, touch their tongue to the roof of their mouth, lick an ice cream cone, play a woodwind instrument, and even kiss, to name a few. Plus, if the tongue-tie or lip tie causes a gap between the front middle teeth, they may also find the frenum getting caught or stuck.

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